Monday, July 28, 2008

WIP (Warner Independent Pictures)

So in case you didn't know, WIP is the "the arthouse division of Warner Bros. " They have recently announced that the are closing down. (what a shame? No?) However, there is still one film that needs to be released before they close shop.

"Ok, so what", your asking yourself. Since WIP is closing down, they need some extra help to finish releasing this new Alan Ball film, "Towel Head". So that's where I come in. I'll be working for the VP of Publicity to help release the film. I might even get to meet the director, (who is working on this cool HBO series called, "True Blood") and make the premiere too? (Wouldn't that be cool?)

So after all the cool things, that might be coming up, the gig is up until they close, which is in the next two months. So maybe this could lead to something else. But as of right now, I've finally landed a full time gig. (Even if it's only for 2 months)

So wish me luck, cause I'll still be working at the restaurant on the weekends. Yes, that means I'll be working seven days a week. I'm not worried cause it's better then not working, ya know?

Some exciting stuff might be happening, so stay posted!

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