Thursday, July 3, 2008

HBO Day 3

I figured I write this morning. Didn't write last night, cause there really wasn't much to say. I spent 8 hours at a desk all day.

However, I did start to read a Screenplay my friend wrote. It's her first feature, "...HEAVEN, HELL OR AUSTIN, my female-centered comedy in the vein of WAYNE'S WORLD or HAROLD AND KUMAR..." So far it's a fun read. Makes me wish I had my own script to work on. But really, with all the other ideas I've got floating around, there is no room for a feature script idea. No way. I'm still brainstorming my 30min sitcom idea.

I could alway give hourly updates today. But that would be super boring. Every hour would be the same thing. "Sat at my desk. Browsed the internet. Answered the phone. Back to the internet." That's all it would say, really. There's rumors of getting off early today, since it's a three day weekend for all the peeps here. However, I've got to serve tomorrow night. So no fireworks for me. If you've got a real job, enjoy your weekend. I'll working serving Sunday too, then back there on Monday. Maybe I'll have a couple days off after that.

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