It's Monday. Damm. I think I hurt my brain. Stuck here at this desk, I'm forced to wonder the the vast wonders of cyber-land. Thinking of any new ventures to bring in some money. What could I be doing, that's I'm not doing right now? After recent discussions, I've been guided to the photography business. But the problem is the same as anything else. Start up. I don't have any money to start anything, really. Maybe my head will just explode, like in that 80's David Cronenberg moive; Scanners. Blam!
Website, jobs, new projects, craigslist,, jobs, headshots, workshops, blogs, facebook, networking, emails, calender, working for free, bullS*$&, frustration, irritation, resumes, blah, blah, blah. What the F#*&! What do I have do? Who do I have to sleep with?! What the F$*&!
I've been out of school for six months now. Got those F#*&ing student loans kickin in this month. I barely scrap by each month as it is. I'm not gonna die and I'm not gonna starve, but for F#*& shakes people, I've got a MFA and the only steady income I've got, comes from waiting tables. I've got a decent resume. Damm, damm, damm. I don't know what to do, mang. You know the crazy thing; I read somewhere that only 8% of Americans have a MFA.
So yeah, I'm in the top 10% of educated Americans, and my survival depends on how much people tip me. Oh wait, it gets better. I swear and I'm not making this up. One of the options to NOT repay your student loan; In the event of death. Yes people, if I want to get out of student loans, all I have to do is DIE! Now that sounds like a plan.
Maybe today is just one of those days that everything is bad. I don't know. But all this S#*t is true. Never mind me, I'm just irritable. I'm just running out of answers. Isn't that ironic? Guy in the top 10% running out of answers.
Maybe a Mac truck will just put me out of my misery....
A Wedding Photography Proposal – 9.20.25
1 month ago
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