Monday, July 14, 2008

Last weeks re-cap

Bueno.  Hola.  Hello.

Alright, first let's start off by apologizing to you readers out there.  I don't know who you are or how many of you there is.  But I know there is at least one.  And if your reading this right now, it might be you.  So, sorry to keep you in the dark this last week, but...I was in a bad mood.  Since my last post, I just knew I took a one way trip to negative city.  I didn't want to go there, but it happens from time to time.  I didn't feel the need to take you along with me.  

I have to admit, writing everyday is a task.  I know it's good for me to some degree, but I get sick of myself.  Really, I do sometime.  So I thought it best to not put off that negative energy out there in the world.  So there it is.  

There was one cool thing that happened last week.  The "French Party". Next post will be about that.  Other than that.  That was it.  Worked this weekend, waiting tables.  Yeah, you know it.  

I can't promise daily updates, cause if nothing is going on, it's usually the same thing.  Hangin at home with doggies, lookin for work.  I'm not saying, I won't be writing, it just might not be seven days a week, that's all.

Stay posted.

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