Sunday, July 6, 2008

UFC 86 / Hancock

I wish I could spend everyday like yesterday.

Got up whenever I got up.  Moseyed around the house.  Went out for a late brunch.  (that reminds me, I really like where I live)  Came back home, watched a movie.  ( In Bruges, w/Colin Farrell, it was actually pretty good.  I would recommend renting it.)  Took a nap.  Stopped by an old friend's house to wish her, happy b-day.  Watched the the fight (for free), grubbed some BBQ.  Headed out to go see a movie (for free).  Came home and passed out.

Thats the prefect combo.

Rampage Vs. Forest.  Five round unanimous decision that when to Forest!?  Was I watching the same fight?  I thought you had to "bet the champ to be the champ"?  Something shaddy going on there.  There's got to be a rematch.  

Hancock.  So it was decent summer movie.  I think you could wait till DVD.  I mean, all the really cool shots were given away in the trailer.  Will Smith was great as usual, but I just didn't feel like there was enough back story that was investigated.  It was just lacking.  And that's my opinion after the big "twist" was revealed.  All in all, B-.  I might wait.

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