Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank goodness for friends...

So I thought I would put out the "good" vibe today, cause this week a couple job prospects came up unexpectedly.

My dear friend, Jen Sheck, called me about a possible two month temp position with Warner Independent. If you don't know, Warner Independent is closing down. However, they still have an Alan Ball film to release before they close shop. Hopefully if it the position gets approved, I'll be working with the VP of Publicity for the next two months. Jen threw my name out there when the idea of a temp came up. So thanks Jen, good looking out girl.

I recently spoke to a friend/colleague, Rob Hurwich. (I co-produced his music video.) So Rob teklls me that he has recently sold most of his equipment, put all his stuff in storage and has decided to go meditate with some Monks is California. Yeah, really, I'm not making this up. I was surprised, to say the least. However, he sounded excited and happy about the decision, so I'm totally happy for him. I can't wait to hear from him after his experience. So Rob told me about his last job and that they might be possibly looking for someone. He gave me an email address and told me to forward my resume and wait and hear back. So Robbie is looking out, throwing me a bone. Don't know if anything will come of it, but hey, it's something.

Today, I've actually got time sit a write something. I was sleeping yesterday when my phone went off. Yeah it was 11am, but hey, I didn't got to bed till 4am. So I reach over, totally half asleep and see that HBO is calling me. (Shit! I have to answer this!) I got asked if I could be in the office within the hour. Being the hungry workaholic I think I am, I said, "of course!" and hoped in the shower.

My friend/colleague, Jose Villalpando, got some bad news and had to leave abruptly. He called HR and asked specifically for me to come in and cover his desk. Thanks for thinking of me Jose.
(I'm hope your doing alright brotha. Hang in there man. And don't worry I'll hold down the fort here, cause I got your back. )

So things have been looking up for me this week. So I'm keepin my fingers crossed and waiting to see what pans out. Let's hope for some good new on Monday!

To all my peeps out there, good lookin out yo! And if your reading this, stay connected, cause it's our twenty-something network that is help everyone get to where they want to be.

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