Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Not really much to talk about today.  Kinda took the day off.  Spent most of it chillin, watchin random moives.  Maybe you can say I worked by association?  Michael was working most of the day.  On the phone, on the computer.  It's still too hot to go outside during the day.  

Blah, blah, blah, award shows, award shows.  Maybe I'm just bitter cause I'm not there.  Could be the case right?  Enh?  Maybe not huh.  

Slim, slam, blam, jam!  Another day awaits.  What else could I be doing?  Maybe working on all those ideas I've got?  That might be a good idea.  But you know me, can't create unless everything else is in it's right place.  Enh, I'm just in a bad mood.  

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

Ingrid ~ said...

Hang in there! Bad moods come and go. I soo know the feeling - the smallest things will do it sometime.

ahh... can't create unless everything else is in the right palce... reminds me of someone I know well :) we're rootin for you!