Sunday, June 22, 2008

Same job, new place, new people.

So today was the official first day of my transfer.  No more commuting 50 miles to work and back.  No more rush hour traffic on the 405.  No more filling up my gas tank once a week.  No more Valencia and most of all, no more Heater F-ing Wan.  

Three and half years I worked for you.  And that's the way it's gonna end.  So be it.  You know what they say about "true colors".  Well, I saw yours.  You bi-polar a#*hole.

Just a means to end, my friend.  That's what I got to do.  It could be worse.  Waitin tables isn't soo bad.  I mean, shit, it pays the rent and puts food on the table.  Maybe every now and then I can take my girl for some sushi.  Ain't so bad.  

What's the saying?  "I'm an overnight success, it just took me ten years."  Damm, it's gonna be a long road.  At least I can still put a roof over my head, take care of doggies, and indulge in the little things.  A good movie, a In & Out burger, some guitar hero, and a little Jameson.

Got to remember what to be grateful for.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  Good lookin out J-dog.  Thanks for having my back.  

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