Three and half years I worked for you. And that's the way it's gonna end. So be it. You know what they say about "true colors". Well, I saw yours. You bi-polar a#*hole.
Just a means to end, my friend. That's what I got to do. It could be worse. Waitin tables isn't soo bad. I mean, shit, it pays the rent and puts food on the table. Maybe every now and then I can take my girl for some sushi. Ain't so bad.
What's the saying? "I'm an overnight success, it just took me ten years." Damm, it's gonna be a long road. At least I can still put a roof over my head, take care of doggies, and indulge in the little things. A good movie, a In & Out burger, some guitar hero, and a little Jameson.
Got to remember what to be grateful for. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Good lookin out J-dog. Thanks for having my back.
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