Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mid week

Alright, so first I'll start off by admitting that I didn't write last night.  I would have, honestly, but I was just incompasitated.  I was drunk, what can I say.  Michael is still here and he likes to drink. So I hang out with my friend and do the thag.  I spent the night sipping on some Jameson and chasing it with Newcastle.  It was a good night.  Up until I left at least.  Everything got a little bury after that point.  I woke up this morning with two scraped knees and bruised back.  I don't know what happened, but I know at some point I got Michael in a triangle choke.  Booze.  

Today I was worthless.  It become a regular thing lately.  I know I drank too much when I feel like ass the next day.  My body just doesn't recoup the way it did when I was younger.  Damm, growing up is wried, especially when your body doesn't react the way it used to.

Good thing for the GF.  She comes and takes care of me when I'm feelin bad or just in a bad mood.  She knows me so well.  Imagine that?  And yet she's still around.  Either she's still young and puts up with my shit cause she doesn't know any better, or she's got an understanding beyond her years, and she deals with my shit cause she understands.

Ne-ways.  I went to Casa Vega on Ventura tonight.  It was guy's (Brandon) birthday today.  I was surprised he called me for the invite.  I got to meet and chit chat with six other Buca people.  I was surprised how cool everyone was.  I think I'm gonna like it there.  It's a different crowd.  Late twenties crew.  I fit right in, now that I'm 27 and all.  F#&k that's weird.  Whatever, at least I know I can still compete.  I've still got it, at least if I try.

I'm running errand tomorrow, cleaning my room.  Everything feels better when it's clean.  Maybe I'm just OCD?  I don't know, we'll see. The two weeks are going to be busy.  Tomorrow is my last free day, and I've got s#*t to do.  Well, no need to talk about it cause you'll find out.  Till then.  Buenos noches amigos.

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