Saturday, June 28, 2008

In a nutshell

Had a lot on my mind last night.  It's been a long week and I didn't even work the last four days.  How does that work?  Oh yeah, letting your friend bum your couch for a week might do that.

Got a bad night sleep.  I got woken up three different time that morning.  When I finally did get up, I was cranky as a mutha.  

Dropped off "the script" to a producer I know.  I took Beverly Glen back up from Westwood.  I couldn't believe it only took me 15min to get back to Sherman Oaks.  I hate The 405.

Went to go wait tables.  It was slow night.  It's hard to make money right now.  This has been a tough month and I know it's just gonna get tougher.  By the way, if you go out to dinner with over ten people, order a ton drinks non stop, randomly order all your food at different times, and stay for three hours +.  YOU SHOULD  TIP MORE THEN 15%.  That's all I'm saying.  When you get good service, the difference between 15%, 18% and 20%, really isn't that much.  I think you should tip based on service you get when you go out.  That's all.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always tip 20%. If the service is better than good, I'll tip more. I was raised in Vegas, a city that survives on customer service and tips. I know just how you feel! :)