Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prolific Digestions - Installment #2

On the cusp of another year. A celebration, or just a marker. Life can change so fast. Destiny or fate...if there were such a thing. All consequences came with a choice. This is the consequence of a poor choice.

I'm sorry my friend.

Theses eyes...

their what's left when everything else changes. Their always there, looking back. They never seem to forget.

Racing, running, I want to stop. Catch my breath, but this thing eats away at me. Piece by piece, and tell me,

what's left.

Intangible things I so want to grasp. And now the consequence leads me back to a choice.

Chose to learn from those mistakes. Chose not to. Chose to stay, running in place. In between can't keep me trapped.

The stakes are raised. Buildings must be built first. Seeds must be planted before flowers blossom.

But the smell of a rose isn't as sweet as a prick from a thorn.

The balance must be found.

The sleeper within...

So afraid to let him wake. Siring inside, something breaths. Alone again. It seems to be unavoidable. How did we end up here?

I have to remind myself, that all things are temporary. Everything, so nice and so sweet. For a time, I came so close to it. I think I was there...

For a moment, not so long, I believe. It only comes in moments. Those memories, so sweet. I was standing there, feeling complete. If only for a moment...

And everything changes again. I ask, I wonder, what this chapter will bring. And here I am again.

I had no idea, the bridge would bring me here.

All things must change my friend.

I ask for her hand. My little birdie must be set free. Maybe she'll come back to me. I have to say, I don't know what to believe.

What's a life worth living, if it's only alone, with no one to share the little things. Tell me damm it, I ask you, please...

All things will be what their meant to be. Together or alone, I will cross this bridge. Whatever it will be, I know it will only streghthen this tree. We can all walk alone. It's not easy , but it's what's known. It's together, that makes me wonder.


I'm sorry, but the past must be known. Those things I kept hidden for so long. She needs to know the was man I was in order to understand the man I'm trying to be.

I thought I knew everything. My precious gem, I can't protect you anymore. I had to make sure,

I had to make sure, I gave you the


So the choice is yours, yours to


And I'll know that if you take my hand, you will have made that choice and we'll come out the other end side by side.

Together we will stand.

I'm not afraid anymore...

I know it's all my fault.

She's the most beautiful thing these unworthy eyes have ever seen. I just want to be worthy of such a thing...

I love you.